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New Member Application

Welcome to the Worldwide Australian Labradoodle Association (WALA) membership application process. We're delighted that you're considering joining our esteemed global community of breeders. As a member of WALA, you'll gain access to a wealth of resources, educational opportunities, and a supportive network dedicated to upholding the highest standards in ALD breeding and care.

The Path to WALA Membership:

1. Click on the links below to read through important information about being a WALA member before filling out the application.

2. Once you submit the application, you will be sent a couple of emails from our WALA teams for further instructions.

3. Applicants have 60 days from the date sumitted to complete the application process, including providing pedigrees of all breeding stock. Failure to do so may result in denial of your WALA application. No fees will be refunded.

4. Once the WALA Board of Directors approves your membership, the membership team emails  a request for payment of the membership fee.

5. A welcome email with your unique WALA badge, required to be displayed on your website, is sent on receipt of payment.

New Member Application Form

The information provided here will be entered into the WALA pedigree database and the Find a Breeder search function exactly as typed into the fields below. Please use correct capitalization and punctuation.

If you have any questions about this form, please email

Your Information

Breeding Program Information

For further clarification on Breeding Program Name or Breeder Prefix, please see Membership Requirements.

Your Breeding Program Name is the unique name you choose to identify your breeding business. This will be your official WALA name and will be used across all platforms, including the WALA website.

We recommend you conduct a broad internet search to ensure any names under consideration are not already in use or overly similar to another Australian Labradoodle breeder. Additionally, it would be prudent to check with your local business registries to further establish your preferred name meets the above criteria.

Do you have an established breeder prefix?

A Breeder Prefix is typically a shortened version of the Breeding Program Name.  It becomes the first part of the full registered name of every dog bred within that program.  Breeder Prefixes can be a maximum of 20 characters including spaces. Breeder Prefix choices are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.  If your first and second choice Breeder Prefixes are already in use, WALA will work with you to select another option.

Keep in mind, a dog's full registered name  (with the Breeder Prefix) cannot exceed 63 characters  including spaces. An "s" or an apostrophe "s" will be dropped from the end of your breeder prefix unless it is part of your official WALA Breeding Program Name.

WALA requires members provide a 2-year Health Guarantee to their puppy buyers. Do you offer a 2-year Health Guarantee to your customers?
Upload File
Do you own at least one intact registrable breeding Labradoodle?
Breeding Size(s) (If you select any of the sizes listed below, we will include this in your listing information on the Find a WALA Breeder page. If you do not want this information included, please indicate this by only selecting the first option below.)
How did you hear about WALA?

Thanks for submitting!

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